Welcome Visitor

Welcome to the approved "Dakku no Majikaru Adobenchaa" by AnCafe fanlisting, owned by Meiko (me.) Enjoy your stay. :D


What is a fanlisting? A fanlisting is a place for all fans of a particular show, movie, actor, actress, singer, etc. to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are fans of that subject. This happens to be the fanlisting for the song "Dakku no Majikaru Adobenchaa" by the band AnCafe.


Opened:August 3, 2005
Newest Members: None.
Last Updated:August 3, 2005


1. You must be a fan of the song Dakku no Majikaru Adobenchaa! If you are not a fan, then why are you here?
2. You don't need to have a website, but you must have a valid email.
3. You do not need a site to join, but if you do have one, please put a code up.
4. No porn/hentai, hate, racist, sites!!!
5. Absolutely NO direct linking the codes.
6. Please use correct grammar when you fill out the form.
7. No names like, 'Azngur19856' or 'Hotch1ckz43v3r." Thats not even a name.
8.Also, do not give me your full name. It is not safe.
9. Please submit your country.


To join the fanlisting, please e-mail us (me!) at dakkunma@yahoo.com When you send the e-mail, the subject of the mail must be called, "Tiramisu- Join" Now...I know why you are asking me, why I do not have a form for joining. Well. It's because I like to make you work, thats right. :D

Include your:
4.Website URL
5.Website Name


ID Name Email URL Country

[01] Meiko Email Site USA
[02] Tara Email Site USA
[03] Risa Email Site Singapore



More to come soon~ (:

